Html lecture 6

 in this lecture we learn html table Notepad or sublime taxt  will start typing the codes so you start typing the default tags which are <HTML> </html>head title this is< title>  close the </title >tag close the head tag and open a <body> tag now with is is title close the title tag close the </head >tag and open a body tag now we want to type in a new time a new tag we want to type in the <table> tag and then we want to go space border =''1''.

then we type <tr> that is used for row  inside this tr tag we type <td> tag that is used for colum .inside td we type date that you want to write and close this tag  like this </td>

for example ;












we can type many colum in one row here we type 1 row and 3 colum. and close </tr>tag.

same mehod we type scond row for example :













same mehod for 3 or 4 row

and close </tr> tag and table tag .we total type 4 row and 3 colums and save this file in html like cv.html then opn this give u result like this 



frist we used border artibutes in table like this

<table border="1" >

then we used cellpadding and cellspacing in table tag .

<table border="1" cellpadding="5">

cellpadding mean spacing in iner this 


cellspacing mean space in cell.

<table border="1" cellpadding="5"cellspacing "0">

if we tye 0 then this block will be liked this


then we used head tag for heading  in frist whole row like this:





then we used colspan mean used 2 colum at time  if we used cospan then we remove 2nd also  colum like this .


    <td colspan="2">



then we used colspan mean used 2 colum at time  if we used cospan then we remove 2nd also  colum 


in this we used colspan remove pak colum 

next we used rowspan for merge 2 row  .

<td rowspan="2">

    cloum 3


if used rowspan then we also delet next row cloum that we want to merge like this 


in this we used rowspan and delet last colum .


its artibute baground color for one cell .

<td bgcolor="orange">

we can used this artibutes in any cell in table .

we can also used this in whole row for example:

<tr bgcolor="green ">


height , width

its artibute it is used in table tage like this  

<table border="1" cellpadding="5"cellspacing="0" height="200"width="300">


body, header, footer

we can dived table in body, header, footer. its used in past  before introducing div. in this we used t-head inside of tr .In this we type new table after body and  code like this



this is my table header








colum 2





This is my table footr



this is result : before apllying  border 


affter apply border in table tag like this 

<table border="1">


next we used th tag with colnsan 2 for header like this

<th colspan="2">

this is my table header


and also used just colspan in footer like this

<td colspan="2">

This is my table footr


result is:


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